Protection of Data-in-Transit
Protect data transiting networks through the use of appropriate encryption and network safeguards.
Key Considerations
- [ ] Implement an encryption mechanism to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data when data are in transit to and from your solution.
- [ ] Use CSE-approved cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
- [ ] Encryption of data in transit by default (e.g. TLS v1.2, etc.) for all publicly accessible sites and external communications as per the direction on Implementing HTTPS for Secure Web Connections (ITPIN 2018-01).
- [ ] Encryption for all access to cloud services (e.g. Cloud storage, Key Management systems, etc.).
- [ ] Consider encryption for internal zone communication in the cloud based on risk profile and as per the direction in CCCS network security zoning guidance in ITSG-22 and ITSG-38.
- [ ] Implement key management procedures.
- [ ] Confirm policy for secure network transmission.
Applicable Service Models
- IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
- SPIN 2017-01, subsection 6.2.4
- ITPIN 2018-01
- Refer to the cryptography guidance in 40.111 and 40.062.
- Refer to the network security zoning guidance in ITSG-22 and ITSG-38.
- Refer to the guidance in Considerations for Cryptography in Commercial Cloud Services.
- Related security controls: SC‑8, SC‑8(1), SC‑12, SC‑13, SC‑17