Logging and Monitoring
Enable logging for the cloud environment and for cloud-based workloads.
Key Considerations
- [ ] Implement adequate level of logging and reporting, including a security audit log function in all information systems.
- [ ] Identify the events within the solution that must be audited in accordance with GC Event Logging.
Note: You may need to configure your solution to send the audit log records to a centralized logging facility, if one is available, where existing auditing mechanisms will be applied.
- [ ] Configure alerts and notifications to be sent to the appropriate contact/team in the organization.
- [ ] Configure or use an authoritative time source for the time-stamp of the audit records generated by your solution components.
- [ ] Continuously monitor system events and performance.
- [ ] Confirm policy for event logging is implemented.
- [ ] Confirm event logs are being generated.
- [ ] Confirm that security contact information has been configured to receive alerts and notifications.
Applicable Service Models
- IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
- SPIN 2017-01, subsection 6.3.1
- CSE Top 10 #1, 5, 8
- Refer to GC Event Logging Guidance
- Related security controls: AU‑2, AU‑3, AU‑6, AU‑8, AU‑9, AU‑9(4), AU‑12, SI-4